LYSEBETH, André van

LYSEBETH, André van. Brussels 11.10.1919 — Perpignan 28.1.2004  (France). Belgian Yoga Instructor and Author. From 1949 pupil of Swami Sivananda (whom he only met in person in 1963). Married, children. Publications: Tantra, le culte de la féminité. 1988; English transl. Tantra: the cult of the feminine. 13+386 p. York Beach,…

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DEROY, Louis

DEROY, Louis. Feche-Slins, prov. Liège 15.2.1921 — 2003. Belgian Linguist (Sanskrit and Greek). Studies at Louvain and Paris. Dr. en philosophie et lettres (classical philology) 1946, Licencié en histoire et litteratures orientales (Indology) also in 1946. At University of Liège: 1848 Assistant, 1956 chef de travaux, 1960 agrégé, 1961 maître…

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STRADIOT, Eugène Clement François. India 1850 — India 14.12.1917. Belgian Musician in India. Son of Francois Albert Joseph Stradiot (1820–1868) and his wife Josephine. Director of music to H. E. the Governor of Madras, a position his father had before him. Married 1881 Honoria Hallet Lynn (1852–1899), children. Publications: “Notes on the…

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GILLE, Albert

GILLE, Albert. 1878 — 1950. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary in India 1904-25. In 1929 A.G. of S.J. was in Edinburgh. In the 1930s A.G. from Belgium was missionary in Burundi. Publications: “Notes on Some Native Medicines from Southern India”, Man 6, 1906, 182-187. – A Record of the Inscriptions at the Catholic Church…

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EXEM, Albert van

EXEM, Albert van. Beveren 19.9.1918 — Ranchi 7.11.1994. S.J. Father. Belgian Missionary and Anthropologist in India. Joined S.J. in 1936, ordained priest 1949 in Kurseong. From 1946 worked 17 years among Muṇḍas. Fluent in Muṇḍari. Publications: Basic socio-economic attitudes of Chotanagpur Tribals. 55 p. Ranchi 1973. – “Haram and Singbonga.…

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SMET, Jean de

SMET, Jean de. 1862 — 1???. Rev. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary in India. In Ranchi, Chota-Nagpore. Publications: Rudiments of a Mundari Grammar. 81 p. Calcutta 1891. Sources: No further details found.

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POLOMÉ, Edgar C.

POLOMÉ, Edgar Ghislain Charles. Molenbeck-Saint-Jean near Brussels 31.7.1920 — Houston 11.3.2000. Belgian Linguist in the U.S.A. Professor in Austin, Texas. Son of a Walloon father (Marcel Félicien Polomé) and Flemish mother (Berthe Henry). Studies at Free University Brussels (B.A. 1940) and after war service at Catholic University Louvain (M.A. 1943), learned Sanskrit…

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LEDRUS, Michel

LEDRUS, Michel. Gossellies, Wallonia 21.12.1899 — Rome 20.8.1983. S.J. Father. Belgian Theologian interested in Indian Thought. B.Litt. Ph.D. D.D. Taught at Louvain (1931) and at Università Gregoriana in Rome (1932-33), then apparently in Calcutta until 1939. Back in Rome, again teaching at Gregoriana. From 1949 spiritual director of Collegio Internazionale…

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HAEGHEN, Philippe van der

HAEGHEN, Philippe van der. Brussels 24.2.1825 — Paris 1886. Belgian Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Guillaume v. d. H. and Marie-Anne-Antoinette-Sophie De Wez. His biography is rather unclear, but he seems to have worked for several members of nobility as librarian, etc. He was a polymath who wrote on…

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GIRARD, A. 18?? — Liège 1887. Abbé. Belgian Indologist. Perhaps a student of Nève. He was reputed to have translated the Rigveda in French, but the manuscript has disappeared. Publications: Le Rig-Véda et ses derniers exégètes. Études védiques. 32 p. Liège 1886. Sources: Briefly mentioned by W. Callewart, “Indology Studies…

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