İNSEL, Hüseyin Avni. Varna, Bulgaria 1915 — 13.8.1969. Turkish Translator and Publisher. After school in Varna moved with the family to Turkey in 1926 and went to high school in Istanbul. Graduated 1935 and began his career translating Gidé in 1936. Studies at Sorbonne, but had to return ungraduated because…

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ITIL (İtil), Abidin

ITIL (İtil), Abidin. Baku 1910 — 1980. Turkish Indologist. Student of Ruben at Ankara, Ph.D. 1944. At Ankara University: Started teaching Sanskrit in 1936 (under Ruben), Assistant in 1943-46, Docent from 1946, then Professor and Head of Department. Retired 1975. Publications: Diss. “Bhavishyamahapuranam”, Ankara Universitesi Dil ve Tarih – Coğrafya…

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