LESLIE, I. Julia

LESLIE, Isobel Julia. Dar es Salaam 23.1.1948 — Buckinghamshire 24.9.2004. British Indologist. Daughter of John Arthur Kingsley Leslie and his wife Elizabeth Helen. Studied philosophy, French and German at University of Sussex, then six years in South Asia. M.Phil. 1980 and  D.Phil. 1983 Oxford. In the 1980s at Harvard in…

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CUTLER, Norman

CUTLER, Norman. Silver Spring Md. 10.5.1949 — 26.2.2002. U.S. Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Educated at University of Michigan (A.B.), University of Washing­ton (M.A.) and University of Chicago (Ph.D. under A. K. Ramanujan). In the middle of the 1980s Assistant Professor at Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago, then…

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CERTO, Vera. 1??? — ????. Italian. In 1951 mentioned in connection of Pettazzoni. Publications: “Il genio poetico dell’India: riflesso nel sanscrito”, Atti dell’Accademia degli Arcadi e scritti dei soci anno 12, vol. 2, 1928, 5-28. – Il mondo dei cieli nella lingua sanscritta. 34 p. Città del Vaticano 1930. – Translation from English…

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ČERNYŠEV, Vladimir Aleksandrovič

ČERNYŠEV, Vladimir Aleksandrovič. v s. Ljubicke (Pugačevskij raion Saratovskij obl.) 15.7.1927 — 10.10.1999. Russian Indologist (Hindi). Son of a farmer, graduated 1953 in Moscow. In 1952-56 taught at Inst. of Foreign Languages of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. Kand. filol. nauk 1958, dr. filol. nauk 1983. From 1956 naučnyj sotrudnik (1971…

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BORTHWICK, Meredith. Colombo 1950 — 1995. Australian Diplomat and Scholar. Daughter of a diplomat, grew up in Ceylon, Singapore and Thailand. High school in Canberra. B.A. and M.A. Melbourne, in Indian history. Ph.D. A.N.U. In 1980 joined the Department of Foreign Affairs, first posted in Bangkok. Later on in Uruguay,…

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TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna

TOLSTAJA, Natal’ja Ivanovna (née Terent’eva). Leningrad 15.9.1925 — St.Petersburg 24.1.2003. Russian Indologist (Pañjabi). Studies at Leningrad, concentrating on Sanskrit and Pañjabi. In 1963-2000 worked as editor in Hudožestvennaja Literatura in Leningrad/St.Petersburg. Married with D. I. Tolstoj, at least one son. Publications: Jazyk Pandžabi. M. 1960; The Panjabi language. A descriptive grammar.…

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THIEME, Paul. Berlin 18.4.1905 — London 27.4.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Halle, New Haven and Tübingen. Son of Oskar Th., a minister, and Elisabeth Blancke, born as one of triplets. Gymnasium in Eisenach, privately learned Sanskrit from Fick’s textbook. From 1923 studies at Göttingen.  Ph.D. 1928 Göttingen, under Sieg, but…

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SUHOČEV, Aleksej Sergeevič

SUHOČEV, Aleksej Sergeevič. Strežnevo, Oktjabr’skij raion, obl. Kursk 22.3.1928 — 2000. Russian Indologist, specialist of Urdu and Assami Literature. Son of a farmer. In army in 1950-56. Graduated 1957 from Moscow. Kand. filol. nauk 1962, Dr. 1976. From 1956 naučnyj sotrudnik, 1974 staršij n. s. at Oriental Institute, AN SSSR,…

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SCHULZ, Siegfried A.

SCHULZ, Siegfried Anton. 15.2.1925 — 25/26.1.2002. German Indologist in the U.S.A. Ph.D. Professor at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC (1972/87). Publications: “Hindu Mythology in Mann’s Indian Legend”, Comparative Literature 14, 1962, 129-142; “Die vertauschten Köpfe: Thomas Manns indische Travestie”, Euphorion: Zeitschrift für Literaturgeschichte 57, 1963, 245-271; “Two Christian Saints? The Barlaam and Josaphat…

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SCHIMMEL, Annemarie

SCHIMMEL, Annemarie. Erfurt 7.4.1922 — Bonn 26.1.2003. German Oriental Scholar in the U.S.A., a Specialist of Islamic South Asia. Professor in Bonn and Harvard. Daughter of post official Paul Schimmel (1889–1945) and Anna Ulfers, educated in Erfurt. From 1939 studies at Berlin (i.al. under H. H. Schaeder). Ph.D. as early…

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