NEUMANN, Michael
NEUMANN, Michael. 1??? — ????. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Der Vṛtra-Kampf in der indischen Literatur. Manuscript, Vienna 1927. Sources: diss. in Janert.
NEUMANN, Michael. 1??? — ????. Austrian Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1927 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Der Vṛtra-Kampf in der indischen Literatur. Manuscript, Vienna 1927. Sources: diss. in Janert.
NEUMANN, Käthe. Berlin 14.7.1903 — Emmerich am Rhein 14.8.1989. German Scholar of Religion and former Student of Indology. Daughter of Otto Neumann and his wife Minna. Studies of Germanistics and Indology at Greifswald and Berlin, then comparative religion at Marburg. Ph.D. 1933 Marburg (under Nobel). From 1937 Assistant at Marburg…
LYSEBETH, André van. Brussels 11.10.1919 — Perpignan 28.1.2004 (France). Belgian Yoga Instructor and Author. From 1949 pupil of Swami Sivananda (whom he only met in person in 1963). Married, children. Publications: Tantra, le culte de la féminité. 1988; English transl. Tantra: the cult of the feminine. 13+386 p. York Beach,…
LESLIE, Isobel Julia. Dar es Salaam 23.1.1948 — Buckinghamshire 24.9.2004. British Indologist. Daughter of John Arthur Kingsley Leslie and his wife Elizabeth Helen. Studied philosophy, French and German at University of Sussex, then six years in South Asia. M.Phil. 1980 and D.Phil. 1983 Oxford. In the 1980s at Harvard in…
KÖNIG, Franz B. Warth bei Rabenstein, Lower Austria 3.8.1905 — Vienna 13.3.2004. Austrian Orientalist and Scholar of Religion, Roman Catholic Priest, Cardinal. Son of Franz K. (1867–1913) and Maria Fink. Gymnasium in Melk. Studies at Vienna and Rome (under Messsina). Ph.D. 1930 Rome. In 1933 ordained priest in Rome. In…
KLOPPENBORG, Ria (Maria Anna Geertruida Theresia Kl.). Utrecht 8.3.1945 — Utrecht 4.10.2003. Dutch Indologist and Scholar of Religion. From 1963 studies of law, but soon of Indology and Buddhism at Leiden and Utrecht. M.A. 1970. Ph.D. 1974 Utrecht (Gonda). From 1970 taught Indian religions at Department of Religion in Utrecht…
HOENS, Dirk Jan. Oldenzaal 11.8.1920 — 23.2.2003. Dutch scholar of Comparative Religion. Professor in Utrecht. After gymnasium in Leiden and the Hague, from 1939 studies of Indology at Utrecht under Gonda, first interested in language, soon in religion. As his main subject he studied theology, and after his doctorate concentrated…
HARDY, Friedhelm Ernst. Köln 1943 — Reading 4.8.2004. German Indologist and Scholar of Indian Religion in the U.K. Started studies of Indology at Münster (under Hacker) and Heidelberg. In 1966 came to the U.K. and continued his studies under Burrow at Oxford. Ph.D. 197? Oxford. In the early 1980s Lecturer…
GREY, Leslie. 1916 — ????. M.D. Oxford. A psychiatrist and Professor in Denver, Colorado. M.D. He had served as Medical Attaché to U.S. Embassies in New Delhi and Kabul. One L.G. (M.D.) died in Denver in January 2004. Publications: A concordance of Buddhist birth stories. 43+268 p. Oxford 1990, 2nd…
DAY, Terence Patrick. 1930 — 2003. British or Canadian Indologist. Professor of Religion at University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Publications:Indian Ideas of Punishment in the Light of Recent Western Discussions. 1000 p. L. 1966 (King’s College, perhaps a diss.). – The Conception of Punishment in Early Indian Literature. 4+328 p.…