LORIMER, David Lockhart Robertson. Dundee 24.12.1876 — Hatfield, Hertfordshire 25.2.1962. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Linguist and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Lieutenant-colonel. Son of Rev. Robert L. (1840–1925) and Isabella Lockhart Robinson (1849–1931), brother of —> J.G.L., —> F.M.G.L., Emilia H.L.L.,also of  Elizabeth Hilda Lockhart L. (1873–1954) and William Laughten L. (1885–1967), both…

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LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm

LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Pest 14(17?).10.1840 — Bonn 22.3.1899. Austro-Hungarian Indologist and Anthropologist in the U.K. and India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Leopold Saphir, a physician, of Austrian Jewish family living in Hungary. Father died early and his mother, Marie Henriette Herzberg, remarried Johann Moritz Leitner (a Protestant Christian) and…

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