BAADER, Theodor

BAADER, Theodor Ludger Josef Anna Maria. Münster 25.4.1888 — Hiltrup, Westfalen 16.4.1959. German Linguist. Ph.D. 1913 Münster (diss. on local dialect). From 1923 Professor of Germanic and Celtic Languages at Nijmegen, taught there until 1944. A militant catholic and Nazi sympathizer he fled before the allied forces to Münster, where…

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ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand

ANTKOWSKI, Ferdynand. 26.3.1914 — 1962.  Polish Linguist. Ph.D. Docent at Poznań. Publications:La chronologie de la monophtongaison des diphtongues dans les langues indo-européennes. 55 p. Poznański Towarzystwo Przyjacioł Nauk: Prace Komisji filologicznej 16:4. Poznań 1956. Sources: *L. Zabrocki, Slavia occidentalis 23, 1963, 325-327.

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WILSER, Ludwig

WILSER, Ludwig. Karlsruhe 5.10.1850 — Heidelberg 19.11.1923. German Physician and Racist Theoretician. Gymnasium in Karlsruhe, medical studies at Freiburg, Heidelberg and Leipzig. Dr.Med. Then practising physician in Karlsruhe until 1897, when he moved to Heidelberg and lived there as private scholar. He was interested in craniometry and had relations both…

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WESTCOTT, Roger Williams. Philadelphia 28.4.1925 — Southbury, Conn. 21.11.2000. U.S. Linguist. From 1942 studies at Princeton, Ph.D. 1948 in Oriental Languages. Taught at M.I.T., Boston University, University of Michigan, Southern Connecticut State University, Wilson College, finally Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics at Drew University, emeritus. Publications: “Toward a more concise inventory…

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TUCKER, Thomas George

TUCKER, Thomas George. Burnham, Buckinghamshire 29.3.1859 — Stope Cove, Devon 24.1.1946. British Classical Scholar in Australia. Professor in Melbourne. Son of Charles Tucker, agent, and Elizabeth Rolfe. Educated in Northampton and Lancaster, studies at Cambridge (St. John’s College, Fellow 1882). M.A. 1885. From 1883 Professor of Classics and English at…

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TROST, Paul/Pavel

TROST, Paul/Pavel. Šternberg, Moravia 3.10.1907 — Prague 6.1.1987. Czech IE, Slavic and German Linguist. Son of engineer Karl and Paula Trost, a Catholic family. Professor in Prague. Gymnasium in Brno, studies of IE and general, Romance, Germanic and Slavic linguistics at Prague German University in 1928-34. Ph.D. 1934 Prague, under…

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THIEME, Paul. Berlin 18.4.1905 — London 27.4.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Halle, New Haven and Tübingen. Son of Oskar Thieme (1868–1943), a minister, and Elisabeth Blancke (1870–1942), born as one of triplets. Gymnasium in Eisenach, privately learned Sanskrit from Fick’s textbook (from school he had Latin, Greek and Hebrew). From…

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STOLZ, Friedrich

STOLZ, Friedrich. Hall in Tyrol 29.7.1850 — Innsbruck 13.7.1915.  Austrian IE Linguist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Joseph Stolz, a psychiatrist, and Anna Luise Rapp (d. 1857). From 1868 studied classics at Innsbruck under Jülg et al., 1871-72 at Leipzig (Curtius). From 1872 teacher in Graz. Ph.D. 1872 Graz. Then…

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STANLEY, Patricia C.

STANLEY, Patricia Cotman. Morton, Texas 5.9.1933 — 5.3.2003. U.S. Linguist. Daughter of John Pat Cotman and Pauline Martin. Studies at Chicago (B.A. 1966) and Austin, one year in India. Ph.D. 1972 University of Texas, Austin. Taught at Washington State University, University of Łódź in Poland (1976-78), University of Texas at…

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SIEGLIN, Wilhelm

SIEGLIN, Wilhelm. Stuttgart 19.4.1855 — Bad Hofgastein, Austria 9.7.1935. German Historian, specialist of Historical Geography. Son of pharmacist Ernst Sieglin (1814–1855) and Mathilde Staub (1832–1895), educated in Stuttgart. From 1873 studies of classics and history at Tübingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Greifswald. Ph.D. 1878 Leipzig. From 1880 Assistant Librarian, 1888 Kustos…

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