VARENNE, Jean. Marseille 12.6.1926 — Paris 12.7.1997. French Indologist. Professor in Aix-en-Provence. After school (Lycée Thiers) in Marseille studies  at Aix-en-Provence and Paris. Ph.D. 1959 Paris. In 1959-60 taught French at Poona University, then worked at E.F.E.O., in Pondicherry and Pune. In 1962-80 Maître de conférences for Sanskrit at Aix-en-Provence. In…

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AUTRAN, Charles

AUTRAN, Charles. Saint-Estèphe (Gironde) 29.10.1879 — 17.8.1952. French Oriental Scholar. Son of Fréderick Autran. After studies in France (?) and at Institute d’archéologie orientale in Cairo he became Professor at Faculté des lettres, University of Aix-en-Provence. In the early 1920s there, but in 1926 seems to be living in Paris.…

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