OŠTIR, Karel

OŠTIR, Karel. Arnače, Velenje 13.10.1888 — Ljubljana 27.12.1973.(Slovenian IE Linguist. Born in a peasant family. After gymnasium in Celje and Maribor he rejected the parental idea of a monastic future and studied from 1909 Linguistics at Graz (Meringer) and Vienna, 1913-14 in St.Petersburg and London. After military service continued studies.…

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ČOP, Bojan

ČOP, Bojan. Ljubljana 23.5.1923 — Ljubljana 3.8.1994. Yugoslavian/Slovenian IE Linguist and Scholar of Tocharian. Son of Josip Čop and Ursula Potočnik, educated in Ljubljana. In 1942-43 interned in Italy. In 1941-47 studied classics and IE linguistics at Ljubljana. From 1949 Assistant in Classics at Ljubljana, 1951 moved to IE, from…

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