SCHRÖDER, Dominik. Eiweiler, Saarland 4.9.1910 — Ibid. 25.12.1974. SVD. German Catholic Missionary and Anthropologist in China. Studies in St.Wendel and St.Augustin. Ordained priest 1937. Worked in North-West China in 1938-49, mainly among Monguors (1942-46 in Peking). M.A. 1945 Fujen University, Peking. In 1949 he was forced to return to Europe. Now active in Anthropos Institute in Fribourg, further studies there and at Frankfurt. Ph.D. 1951. Then worked for the Anthropos and taught anthropology at St.Augustin near Bonn. In 1960-69 Professor of Ethnology at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan, now conducted fieldwork among Puyuma people in Taiwan (1964, 1965-66 and 1971). In 1969 returned to St.Augustin. Died of heart attack.

Schröder became interested in anthropology during his wartime studies in Peking. He is mainly known for his studies of Monguor and Shamanism, but also of local Mongolian versions of the Gesar epic. He was very critical and meticulous in work and two important monographs (on Gesar and on Puyuma) remained unfinished.

Publications: Diss. “Zur Religion der Tujen des Sininggebietes (Kukunor)”, Anthropos 47, 1952, 1-79, 620-658, 822-870 & 48, 1953, 202-259.

– “Zur Struktur des Schamanismus. (Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des lamaistischen Gurtum”, Anthropos 50, 1955, 848-881.

Edited by W. Heissig: Geser Redzia-wu. Dominik Schröders nachgelassene Monguor(Tujen)-Version des Geser-Epos aus Amdo. As. Forsch: 70. Wb. 1980: ed. by A. Quack: Das Wort der Alten. Erzählungen zur Geschichte der Pujuma von Katipol (Taiwan). Gesammelt von D. Schröder und P. Veil. St.Augustin 1981.

– Books and articles on shamanism, Monguor folklore, etc.; reviews in Anthropos.

Sources: A. Burgmann, Anthropos 70, 1975, 1-5 with bibliography and photo; V. Kokot in with photo; Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 5 months by Admin


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