BUISKOOL, Herman Eildert. Weeding, Drenthe 12.1.1884 — Leiden 11.8.1963. Dutch Indologist. Son of Hindrik B., a school director, and Albertina Bos. In 1898-1902 studies of teacher training in Nijmegen and Arnhem. Was “at first a school-teacher and later a civil servant who was mostly engaged in committee work relating to the frequent proposals for spelling reform in Dutch” (Staal). From 1902 worked as teacher in Emmen, Utrecht and 1910-33 in Amsterdam, in the 1920s also student of Faddegon at Amsterdam University. Ph.D. 1934 Amsterdam. In 1935-44 in the editorial staff of the Woordenboek der Nederlandse taal, then retired. In 1936-1938 also conservator of the Kern Institute at Leiden.

In his only book he “gave a penetrating analysis of some of the fundamental techniques of Pāṇini’s grammar, largely relating to the relative strength of rules and to the concept of asiddhatva” (Staal).

Publications: Diss. Pūrvatrāsiddham. Analytisch onderzoek aangaande het systeem der Tripādi van Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī. 210 p. Amsterdam 1934. English version: The Tripādī, being an English Recast of Pūrvatrāsiddham (An Analytical-Syn­thetical Inquiry into the System of the Last Three Chapters of Pāṇini’s Aṣṭā­dhyā­yī). 156 p. Ld. 1939.

– Obituary of A. W. M. Odé, Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde 1950-51, 163-166.

– “Bahuvrīhi en zwakke adjectiefflexie”, Taal en Tongral 13, 1961, 63-66.

Sources: *C.B. van Haeringen, Jaarboek van de Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde 1964, 33-41; F. Staal 1985, 273; Dutch Indology homepage (with further sources and small photo); *P. Verhagen, “H.B.: Sanskritist en lexicoloog”, H. van den Muyzenberg & T. de Bruijn (ed.), Waarom Sanskrit? Kern Institute Miscellanea 4. Leiden 1991, 30-36; parents and *long Dutch account of life in gw.geneanet.org; photo in Sardesai.

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