BURCHARDI, Gustav. Flensburg 1866 — 19??. German Linguist. Ph.D. 1892 Halle. In 1913 in Limerick, Ireland, joined Irish Text Society. In 1913-24 corresponded with Streitberg.

Publications: Diss. Die Intensiva des Sanskrt und Avesta. Part 1. 32 p. Halle 1892; part 2. in BB 19, 1893, 169-227.

– “Noch einmal gotisch nahtam”, Beitr. z. Gesch. d. deutschen Spr. u. Lit. 25, 1900, 591f.; translation specimen and sketch of the Neo-Armenian author Raffi, Geist des Ostens 1, 1914; “Sprachwissenschaftlicher Fragekasten”, IF 47, 1929, 103f.

Sources: Letters in Kalliope; stray notes in Internet. Not in Dt. biogr. Archiv A.F. & N.F.

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