SORLEY, Herbert Tower. 12.4.1892 — 7.8.1968. British Civil Servant in India, Sindhi Scholar. Son of John T. Sorley, City Chamberlain of Aberdeen. M.A. 1914 Aberdeen. Served in I.C.S., apparently until 1947. In 1939 he was Collector of Bombay, then Chief Secretary to Government, Political and Services Department, Bombay. D.Litt. C.I.E. 1939, C.S.I. 1946.
Publications: The Western India States Agency. 1-2. Census of India 1931 vol. 10. Bombay 1933.
– The Marine Fisheries of the Bombay Presidency. 174+12 p. Bombay 1933.
– Shâh Abdul Latif of Bhit: his poetry, life and times. A study of literature, social and economic conditions in eighteenth century Sind. 441 p. L. 1940.
– The gazetteer of West Pakistan: the former province of Sind including Khairpur State. 811+153 p. Lahore 1968.
Sources: Stray notes in Internet.
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