UHLIK, Rade (born as Aladar Uhlik). Sarajevo 1.2.1899 — Sarajevo 12.6.1991. Yugoslavian Linguist and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a Lutheran family, grew up in Vienna, Budapest and and Belgrade. Studied Germanistics at Belgrade and worked as schoolteacher, then as translator at Tanjug. Later custos in Bosnia-Hercegovina Museum in Sarajevo. He was a polyglot, but best known of his Romani studies (language and folklore), especially of the Bosnian dialect (Gurbet).

Publications: Romane glilja / Ciganske pesme. 70 p. Prijedor 1937 (Gipsy Songs); O Devlikano Ramope e Sumnale. 131 p. Belgrade 1938 (The Bible in the Gipsy language); Ciganska poezija. Sarajevo 1957 (with B. V. Radičević); Ciganske priče. 307 p. Sarajevo 1957 (Gipsy tales).

– Prepozitivni i postpozitivni član u gurbetskom. Sarajevo 1951; Ciganizmi u šatrovačkom argou i u sličnim govorima. Sarajevo 1954.

“Bosnian Romani Vocabulary”, JGLS 20, 1941, 100-140; 21, 1942, 24-55, 110-141; 22, 1943, 38-47, 107–119; Srpskohrvatsko-ciganski rečnik. 194 p. Sarajevo 1947 (Serbo-Croatian – Gipsy Dictionary).

Cigani, indijska etnička grupa u Jugoslaviji. Rad jugosl. akad. znanosti i umjetnosti 350. 1968.

– Kategorija imperativa u romskom jeziku. Sarajevo 1974; Zigeunerlieder. Lp. 1977.

Srpskohrvatsko-romsko-engleski rečnik (Romengo alavari). 473 p. Sarajevo 1983.

– Jezik i kultura Roma. Sarajevo 1989.

– Other articles on Gipsy language in JGLS and Yugoslavian journals.

Sources: Matišić 1976, 298; Wikipedia with photo; stray notes in Internet.

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