UHTOMSKIJ, Esper Esperovič, Prince. Oranienbaum (now Lomonosov) 26.8.1861 — Detskoe Selo 26.11.1921. Russian Scholar, Collector, Traveller, Political Thinker, Entrepreneur and Publisher. Son of Esper Alekseevič U. (d. 1885), a naval officer, of ancient boyar family, and Evgenija Alekseevna Greig (1835–1870). Studies of philosophy and Slavonic at St.Petersburg, graduated 1884. Entered the Ministry of Interior Department of Foreign Creeds, now studied Buddhism and started a Lamaist collection. In 1886-90 travelled several times in Transbaikalia, Mongolia, China, Japan, South-East Asia, India and Sri Lanka, in the last time accompanying the future Tsar Nicholas II. Then served as court chamberlain and member of Siberian Railway Committee. Later he worked as the editor and publisher of the St.Peterburgskie Vedomosti. He had important economic interests in the east himself, prompted Russian expansion in Asia and protected Buryat interests. As politician he was liberal reformist and therefore lost the emperor’s favour. His collection was published by Grünwedel in 1900. Married twice, with Maria Vasil’evna Vasil’eva, one son, and 1911 Princess Natalija Dmitrievna Tserteleva (1892–1942), two sons and one daughter.
Publications: Travel book in six vols. Lp. 1893-97, soon also in English, French and German.
Sources: Snelling, Buddhism in Russia. 1993, 46ff.; Wikipedia, long article with photo and further references (more in Russian version).
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