VALTONEN, Pertti. 1933 — 1999. Finnish Gipsy Scholar. Studies of Indology, etc. at Helsinki. M.A. 1964 and Lic.Phil. 1968 Helsinki (under Aalto). Then worked as elementary schoolteacher in Imatra in Eastern Finland. His planned Ph.D. dissertation about Indo-Aryan elements in Finnish Romani was never completed, but the manuscript was left to the university and has been used in further research.

Publications: M.A. thesis on Indo-Aryan words in Finnish Romani 1964, Lic. diss. on the diachrony of Finnish Romani.  Helsinki 1968 (both manuscripts kept in Helsinki university library).

With B. Gilliat-Smith: “Finnish Gypsy Texts”, JGLS 46, 1967, 82-97.

– “Finnish Romani Research”, JGLS 48, 1969, 124-127 (history of research); “Trends and Special Traits in Finnish Romani”, I. Hancock (ed.), Romani Sociolinguistics. the Hague 1979, 121-125.

Suomen mustalaiskielen etymologinen sanakirja. 138 p. Tietolipas 69. Helsinki 1972 (Etymological dictionary of the Gipsy language of Finland).

Sources: Information culled from colleagues at Helsinki; K. Granqvist, “Two Hundred Years of Finnish Romani Linguistics”, StOr 108, 2010, 245-264.

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