VANDEN BERGHE, Louis. Oostnieuwkerke, West Flanders 24.12.1923 — Ghent 17.9.1993. Belgian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Born in a Flemish family, educated at Roeselare College. Studies of archaeology and art history, then also Oriental languages at Ghent, Brussels, Amsterdam and Leiden. Ph.D. 1950 Ghent, then further studies in Teheran. From 1951 Assistant and 1957 Professor of Near Eastern Art and Archeology at Ghent (ord. 1965). Also taught at Université Libre in Brussels. Retired in 1989. Conducted surveys and excavations in Iran, especially in Luristan (details in Haerinck). Hon. dr. 1964 Teheran.

Publications: Diss. on painted pottery in Mesopotamia, Iran, and Pakistan until c. 2000 BCE, 1950 (in Dutch), partly publ. in Gentse Bijdragen tot de Kunstgeschiedenis 14-16, 1953-56.

Numerous articles (often in Iranica Antiqua which he founded with Ghirshman in 1961) and books on Iran, e.g. L’Archéologie de l’Iran ancien. Leiden, 1959, 2nd ed. 1966.

– With B. de Wulf & E. Haerinck: Bibliographie analytique de l’archéologie de l’Irán ancien. 25+329 p. Leiden 1979.

Sources: J. Curtis, Iran 32, 1994, vf. with photo; *Gh. Gnoli, E & W 43, 1993, 317-320; E. Haerinck, Iran. Ant. 28, 1913, ix-xii with photo & Encyclop. Iranica 2009 (online); Archaeologià iranica et orientalis in honorem Louis Vanden Berghe. Ghent & Leuven 1989; French Wikipédia.

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