VIZEL’, Oskar Èmil’evič.

VIZEL’, Oskar Èmil’evič. St.Petersburg 1895 — Solikamsk, obl. Perm 6.3.1939. Russian Indologist, Tibetologist, Japanologist and Archaeologist. Born in an noble family of Austrian origin, son of Emil Anton Joseph Wiesel and Alexandra Hermina Strauss. From 1915 studies at St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty. In the 1920s worked in Ethnographic Kabinet in Petrograd, then two years in developing Komi education. In 1930-32 in Ašhabad. Ordered back to Leningrad where the Joint State Political Directorate (OGPU) accused him of misconduct. Taught Japanese at Oriental Insitute in Leningrad and wrote for Soviet Encyclopedia, but was arrested in March 1935 as “dangerous element” and condemned for 5 years to Irgiz in Kazakhstan. In June 1936 more restrictions. For a while living in Kazan. Married Nadežda Vladimirovna Brjulov-Šaskol’skaja (divorce) and Vera ??.

Publications: A couple of writings on Komi.

Sources: Vasil’kov & Sorokina 2003, 98f.; death and  family in, death also in Russian Wikidata (

Last Updated on 3 months by Admin


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