ANTONESCU, Teohari. Bucharest 1.9.1866 — Iaşi 11.1.1910. Romanian Historian and Classical Scholar interested in Indology. Son of Petru A. Student of Al. Obolescu, further studies in Paris (diplom of É.P.H.É. 1892, with a study on Greek vase painting), Heidelberg and Berlin. Returned in Romania in 1894, he first taught Greek at schools in Bucharest. Then Professor of Archaeology at the University of Iaşi.
Publications: Diss. on the Chabir cult in Dacia (Cultul Cabirilor în Dacia) in 1889, and other works on Romanian antiquity (e.g. Dacia, patria primitivă a popoarelor ariene. 1897).
– Articles in the periodical Convorbiri Literare on Upanishadic philosophy (“Filozofia Upanişadelor”, 28, 1894) and on Buddhism and the nirvāṇa (“Budismul şi Nirvana”, 37, 1903).
Sources: Dictionar enciclopedic romin 1, Bucureşti 1962; Dicţionarul literaturii Române de la origini pînà la 1900. Bucharest 1979, 45f. (with small photo and references to Romanian sources); S.N. Ionescu, Who was who in 20th century Romania. N.Y. 1994; V. Banateanu, “First Indianists of … Rumania, Indo-Asian Culture 7:3, 1959, 280 & Vi.-Bh. Quart. 27, 1961-62, 248; briefly in *Romanian Wikipedia.
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