ARRIËNS, Pieter. Herwijnen, Gelderland 7.1.1791 — the Hague 17.5.1860. Dutch Naval Officer. Son of Claas A. and Catharina Gijsbertha Boellaard van Tuyl. Joined the navy in 1802, 1808 Lieutentant. In 1831-43 commander and companion of Prince William Frederick Henry of the Netherlands on various travels, then retired. Married 1818 Anna Geertruy Tack (d. 1823) and 1825 Gertrude Albertine van Eck van Overbeek, with first 3 sons and one daughter, with second 3 daughters and 2 sons.
Publications: Dagboek eener reis door Bengalen, in 1837 en 1838, met eenige vrijmoedige opmerkingen betreffende beginselen van koloniaal bestuur. 8+247 p. ’s-Gravenhage 1853.
– Maleisch-Hollandsch-Atjehsche woordenlijst. 7+94 p. Amsterdam 1880.
Sources: Dutch Indologists homepage referring to *N.N.B.W. 9, 1933; family details in
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