BANESS, Joshua Frederick. Delhi 1830 — 1884. British Civil Servant in India. Born in India, son of Athanas Baness (d. 1845) ja Harriet Lumley, the surname B. is Scottish. Surveyor and Chief Draftsman in Geographical and Drawing Branch of the Survey of India (1881).Married 1856 Marie Knight and after her death 1874 Mary C. S. Avery, children. In 1901 the wife, known as painter, was living in Bath as a widow.
Publications: Selections from the Prem Sagar: Shri Lalluji Lal Kabi; constituting the authorized text book, for the examination of government officers of every grade, by the Higher Standard in Hindustani. The Hindi Tect carefully printed in the Roman Character; to which is added a Complete Vocabulary to the whole Text. Calcutta 1875, 2nd ed. 12+221 p. Calcutta 1879.
– Selections from the History of India. 112 p. Calcutta 1879.
– Index Geographicus Indicus: Being a List, Alphabetically Arranged, of the Principal Places in Her Majesty’s Indian Empire, with Notes and Statements Statistical, Political, and Descriptive, of the Several Provinces and Administrations of the Empire, the Native States, Independent and Feudatory, Attached to and in Political Relationship with Each Other; and Orher Information Relating to India and the East. 202+112 p. L. 1881.
– Manual of Hindustani, or, the Stranger’s Indian Interpreter. 146 p. Calcutta 1886.
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