CARTELLIERI, Wilhelm. Eger (in Bohemia, now Cheb) 23.6.1860 — Innsbruck 29.5.1908. Austrian Indologist. Professor in Innsbruck. Son of Paul C. (1807–1881, a noted physician and son of Italian composer in Germany Antonio Casimir C.), and Wilhelmina Kraft. From 1878 studies of Sanskrit at Vienna (soon under Bühler), for a while also at Leipzig. Ph.D. 1884 Vienna. In 1889 manuscript studies in England. Habilitation in 1899 at Innsbruck, ao. Professor there from 1902.

Cartellieri was a scholar of Kāvya, who – as a student of Bühler – was also interested in epigraphy. Published not much.

Publications: Diss. Griechisch α, ε, Indoiranisch i. Manuscript, Vienna 1884.

– “Subandhu and Bâṇa”, WZKM 1, 1887, 115-132; “Das Mahâbhârata bei Subandhu und Bâṇa”, WZKM 13, 1899, 57-74.

“An Abu Inscription of the reign of Bhīmadeva II dated Samvat 1265”, IA 11, 1882, 220-223; “Semra Plates of Paramardidêva; (Vikrama-)saṁvat 1223”, EI 4, 1896-97, 153-174.

– The 17 plates of Indian alphabets and scripts in Bühler’s Indische Paäographie. Grundriss 1:11. Strassburg 1896.

Sources: WZKM 22, 1908, 343; Stache-Rosen 1990, 140; father and grandfather in German Wikipedia. Photo in Haupt, Intern. Taschenb. der Orientalisten 2, 1910, again in Rau 75.

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