BJÖRNSTJERNA, Magnus Fredrik Ferdinand

BJÖRNSTJERNA, Magnus Fredrik Ferdinand, Count. Dresden 10.10.1779 — Stockholm 6.10.1847. Swedish General and Writer on Economy and History. Son of Magnus Olof Bj. and Vilhelmina von Hagen. Born in Saxony, where his father was Swedish ambassador, sent to Sweden in 1793 and entered the army. 1796 Leutenant, now travelled in Germany, Switzerland, France and Spain, returned in 1801. From 1803 served in Finland, studied at Åbu akademi (university of Turku), visited St.Petersburg 1804 and participated in 1808-09 Russian war. Major 1808, Colonel 1812, participated in war in Germany. Lieutenant-General 1820, General 1843. In 1826-46 Swedish Minister in London. In politics he was conservative and opposed the egality of genders. Married 1815 Elisabet Charlotta von Stedingk, children.

Publications: Det Brittiska riket i Ostindien. 6+291+8 p. Stockholm 1839, also in German, English and French translations.

Om Hinduernas Theogoni, Philosofi och Kosmogoni. 5+7+179 p. Stockholm1843, The Theory of the Hindoos … with their System of Philosophy and Economy. Transl. by H. E. Lloyd. 5+183 p. L. 1844, also in German.

Wrote much on political economy and politics.

Sources: *C. Hallendorff, Svensk biogr. Lexikon 4, 1924; Wikipedia briefly with portrait (more in Swedish version).

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