CHAPMAN, Isham J. 1??? — 1???. British Colonial Officer in Ceylon. Captain of Royal Artillery. Possible relatives in I.C.S. (see Buckland). The first article is based on field observations made in 1828, the second on information obtained from others.

One Captain Isham Chapman died in 1852, but the rare name seems to be quite common in the family and he seems to have been naval officer (he was probably Isham Fleming Ch. who was no longer in active service after 1826).

Publications: “Some Remarks upon the Ancient City of Anurájapura or Anurádhapura, and the Hill Temple of Mehentélé, in the island of Ceylon”, TrRAS 3, 1835, 463-495, pl. 16-21; “Some Additional Remarks upon the Ancient City of Anurájapura or Anurádhapura, and the Hill Temple of Mehentélé, in the island of Ceylon”, JRAS 13, 1852, 164-178.

Sources: Not in Br. Biogr. Arch. 1st & 2nd series.

Last Updated on 11 months by Admin


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