BOUQUET, Alan Coates. Forest Hill, London 24.5.1884 — Cambridge 4.3.1976. Rev. British Scholar of Religion. Son of Robert Coates B., Registrar to the Art Union of London, of Huguenot descent, and Elizabeth Stow. After St.Dunstan’s College and London University College studies at Cambridge (Trinity College): B.A. 1905, M.A. 1910, B.D. 1918, D.D. 1922. Ordained priest in 1908 he worked as curate in London, during WW I army chaplain in home service. In 1922 returned to Cambridge, 1923-45 vicar at Sll Saints’ Church. from 1924 Lecturer in History and Comparative Study of Religion at Jesus and Trinity Colleges, Cambridge. Married 1910 Edith Gertrude Sayers (d. 1952).
Publications: Comparative Religion. A short Outline. Harmondsworth, Pelican 1942, 4th rev. ed. 319 p. 1953; Hinduism. 171 p. L. 1948, rev. ed. 1969; Sacred Books of the World. 343 p. Harmondsworth, Pelican 1953, rev. ed. 1967; further books on religion and Christianity.
– “Beliefs and Practices of the Jalaris in the Matter of Life beyond the Grave”, Numen 7, 1960, 201-214 (a Telugu-speaking caste).
Sources:; Wikipedia with photo.
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