BRANDI, Mario. Trieste 11.12.1891 — 1943/44?. Italian, probably a Theosophist, son of Salvatore Brandi and Elisa Iacchia. He authored several mystic books, two in collaboration with Emma Tedeschi (1896–1943/44?). In November 1943 both were arrested in Nervi (Genoa) as Jews and sent to Auschwitz.

Publications: Lo Yoga della fede: Bhagavadgītā 12.: testo sanscrito in caratteri devanagarici con trascrizione fonetica, analisi con traduzione letterale. 53 p. Milano 1929.

Grandi parole d’Oriente. Milano 1930, and a few further books.

Sources: Not in the N.U.C.;

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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