CIARDI-DUPRÉ, Giuseppe. Florence 13.9.1875 — 1953. Italian Linguist. Docent of IE comparative grammar at the R. Istituto di Studi Superiori in 1905-12, from 1912 Professor of “storia comparata delle lingue classiche” at Padua University, then at Catania and finally at Florence. Married with Teresa Vandoni, at least one son.
Publications: “Etimologie sanscrite”, GSAI 13, 1900, 221-228; “Sul trattamento delle liquide indogermaniche nell’ indoiranico, especialmente nell’ antico indiano”, Atti di OC XII, Roma 1899, 3:2, 1902, 127-192; “La supposta influenza semitica sul sistema numerale indogermanico”, GSAI 17, 1904, 335-343; “A proposito della “legge de Fortunatov””, GSAI 19, 1906, 195-198; “Intorno ai numerali indogermanici”, GSAI 20, 1907, 279-292; “Fruchtbäume und Baumfrüchte in den indogerm. Sprachen”, IF 25, 1909, 155-159; “Ai. vṛkṣá-ḥ “Baum””, KZ 44, 1911, 122; and many other linguistic articles, also wrote on Germanistics.
– Edited: Rivista Bibliografica Italiana 1/1896–22/1917.
Sources: Gli studi orientali in Italia 1861–1911; very little found (except references to Rivista), no publications after 1917 (nothing in Porru); death year and move to Florence in
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