CHRISTIAN, John. 18?? — 1???. Britishman (?) in India. In 1847 J.C. Esq. was in Monghyr, 1854 indigo planter there. Keay says (and others confirm) that J.C. wrote hymns in Hindi, and died in 1883 when he was 70. But in 1890 J.C. signed the introduction in Tirhut. Perhaps there were two or more peoples of the same name? As early as 1823 the Asiatic Journal announced the marriage of the eldest daughter of J.C. Esq. of Monghyr.

Publications: Edited & transl. Pseudo-Śaṅkara’s “Prashnottaramâlâ, or catechetical dialogue of sook”, JASB 16:2, 1847, 1228-1233.

Assisted the Hindī New Testament of Rev. Parsons and wrote hymns in Hindī.

Behar Proverbs classified and arranged according to their subject-matter and translated into English with notes. 57+256 p. L. 1891.

– “On some names of Places in Behar”, Calcutta Review 92, 1891, ??-??.

Sources: F.E. Keay, Hist. of Hindi Lit. 1920, 99 and other stray notes.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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