CANDY, Edward Townshend. India 15.4.1845 — ?.4.1913. Sir (1904). British Civil Servant in India. Son of —> Thomas Candy and Caroline Boyce. Educated in Cheltenham. M.A. Entered Bombay C.S. 1865, retired 1903. “Judicial Assistant to the Political Agent, Kattiawar, 1872-82: officiating Judicial Commissioner in Sind, 1886-7: Vice-chancellor of the Bombay University, 1897-1902: Judge of the Bombay High Court, 1889-1902: Member of the Police Commission, 1902-3”. In 1907-10 University Teacher of Marathi and 1907-13 of Indian law at Cambridge. C.S.I. 1903. Married 1874 Constance Mary Harrison, children.
Publications: Report on a dispute concerning the Jain temples on the Satrunjaya Hill. 1876.
– Selections with notes, from the records of Government, regarding the Khoti tenure. 115 p. Bombay 1895; “The legal training of the Indian civilian”, Law Quarterly Review 27, 1911, 462–473.
Sources: Buckland, Dictionary; The Cambridge University Calendar for the Year 1917–1918 p. 72.
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