CLOSS, Alois

CLOSS, Alois. Neumarkt in Steiermark 27.10.1893 — Graz 10.1.1984. Austrian Iranian Scholar. Librarian in Graz. Son of Alois Closs, a court official, and Rosa Halm, elder brother the Germanist August Closs (1898–1990). Educated in Graz, 1911-15 studies of theology at Graz (Dr.theol.), ordained 1916. In 1916-21 minister and teacher of religion in Graz, 1921-41 Religionsprofessor at Bundesgymnasium in Graz. In 1921-27 studies of geology at Graz (Dr.phil.). Then further studies of religion, Oriental languages (under Rhodokanakis) and IE and Iranian philology (Reichelt) at Graz and in 1933-36 at Vienna Iranian (B. Geiger), Elamite (König), ethnology (W. Schmidt, then Koppers and Heine-Geldern), physical anthropology, German philology and Protestant theology. In 1936 habilitation for Religions­geschichte at Faculty of Theology, Graz. In 1945 moved (Umhabilitation) to Phil. Faculty, now for Historische Ethnologie. In 1941-58 served in Steiermark Landesbibliothek, then retired. Taught still at the university, where he was conferred Professor’s title, until illness forced him to retire in 1968.

Publications: Theol. diss. De virtute religionis. Graz 1915 (manuscript); phil. diss. “Kammgebiet der Koralpe”, Mitt. d. Naturwiss. vereins für Steiermark 1927, 119-135 (petrographisch-geologische Untersuchung).

Early works on ancient Germanic religion, 1934ff., hab.diss. 1936.

– “Altpersiens religiöse Leistung und Tragik”, Missionswiss. und Religionswiss. 1953, 35-56; “Die gnostische Erlösungsidee und Zarathustra”, Festschrift J. F. Schütz 1954, 69-89; “Historische Ethnologie und Germanistik. Das Gestaltproblem in der Völkerkunde”, Anthropos 51, 1956, 833-891; “Anahita”, Religionswiss. Wörterbuch 1956; “Neue Deutung Zarathustras”, Anthropos 58, 1963, 561-564; “Erlösendes Wissen”, The Origins of Gnosticism / Le origini dello gnosticismo. 1970, 265-280; “Zarathustra unter den Propheten”, Fs. J. Henninger 1976, 77-110; “Iranisches im Islam”, Fs. G. Molin 1983, 53-71; further articles and many reviews in Anthropos.

– “Der Schamanismus bei den Indoeuropäern”, Gedenkschift W. Brandenstein 1968, 289-302; “Priester und Prophet”, Studia Missionalia 1973; “Vorzarathustrische Religionen in Iran”, Acta Iran. 3, 1974, 111-121; “Iranistik und Völkerkunde”, Nyberg Festschrift, Acta Iran. 4:1, 1975, 157-177; “Der zu hoch angesetzte Schamanismusbegriff”, OLZ 70, 1975, 229-240; other articles.

Sources: Bio-bibliographie, Acta Ir. 20, 1979, 100f.; J Henninger, Anthropos 73, 1978, 902f.; F. Lochner von Hüttenbach, Anthropos 79, 1984, 637f. with photo; M. Mitlacher, “Veröffentlichungen von Alois Closs († 10. Jänner 1984)”, Anthropos 80, 1985, 677-689; J. Stagl, ZfEthnol. 109, 1984, 177-179; briefly in German Wikipedia.

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