COCKBURN, John. 18?? — 1???. British Civil Servant in India, interested in Prehistory. Served in Opium Department (1879/83). In 1879 characterized as “late Curator of the Allahábád Museum, Officiating Assistant Osteologist, Indian Museum, Calcutta.”
Publications: “Notes on Stone Implements from the Khasi Hills, and the Bhanda and Vellore Districts”, JASB 48:2, 1879, 133-143; four notes in ProcASB 1882; “On the recent Existence of Rhinoceros indicus in the N. W. Provinces, and a Description of a Tracing of an archaic Rock-Painting from Mirzapur, representing the Hunting of this Animal” JASB 52:2, 1883, 56-64; “On palaeolithic implements from the drift gravels of the Singrauli basin, South Mirzapur”, JRAnthrInst 17, 1888, 57-65; “On flint implements from the Kon ravines of South Mirzapur”, JASB 63:3, 1894, 21-27; “Cave Drawings in the Kaimūr Range, NW Prov.”, JRAS 1899, 89-97.
– Also wrote on zoology and paleontology.
Sources: Stray noted in Internet, almost all connected with his papers.
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