BREITHAUPT, Johann Christian

BREITHAUPT, Johann Christian. Dransfeld near Göttingen 26.9.1719 — Vepery, Chennai 17.11.1782. German Missionary in South India. Son of Christoph Br. and Katharina Elisabeth Br. School and studies at Halle. From 1741 worked as teacher, ordained 1845 in Wernigerode. From 1746 missionary in Trankebar, first in Cuddalore, from 1749 in Madras. Married 1753 Elisabeth Schröder, one daughter and one son.

Publications: With J. Ph. Fabricius: A Malabar and English Dictionary. 4+185 p. Vepery 1779, 3rd ed. by E. Schaeffer & N. Beisenherz. Tranquebar 1897, new rev. and enl. ed. Tamil and English Dictionary based on “Malabar–English Dictionary”. 660 p. Tranquebar 1910; A Dictionary of the English and Malabar Languages. 8+272 p. Vepery 1786.

With J. Ph. Fabricius: Grammar for learning the principles of the Malabar Lan­guage, properly called Tamul or Tamulian Language, by the English Missionaries of Madras. 2nd ed. 63 p. Vepery 1789.


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