DANDOY, Georges

DANDOY, Georges. Hemptinne, Namur 5.2.1882 — Calcutta 11.6.1962. S.J. Belgian Missionary-Indologist in India. Studied philosophy at Namur (1905-05) and at Stonehurst Jesuit College, England (1905-07), then 1907-09 Sanskrit at Oxford. Taught at St.Xavier’s College in Calcutta in 1909-12, then 1912-16 theological studies at St.Mary’s in Kurseong near Darjeeling. Ordained priest 1914. Taught theology in Kurseong 1917-22, then the rest of his life in Calcutta.

Publications: Diss. The Philosophy of Rāmānuja as compared with that of Śaṅkara. Manuscript, Oxfors 1909.

An Essay on the Doctrine of the Unreality of the World in the Advaita. 2+65 p. Calcutta 1919, French transl. 1932.

Karma – Evil – Punishment: a summary of desultory conversations. 94 p. The Light of the East Series 31. Calcutta/Ranchi 1940.

Many theological and religious writings, many short articles (also on Vedānta, list in Wikipedia) in the Light of the East, the monthly founded and edited by him together with —> P. Johanns.

Sources: *Echos 21, 1963, 27-32; Wikipedia with photo.

Last Updated on 10 months by Admin


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