DANDOY, Georges. Hemptinne, Namur 5.2.1882 — Calcutta 11.6.1962. S.J. Belgian Missionary-Indologist in India. Studied philosophy at Namur (1905-05) and at Stonehurst Jesuit College, England (1905-07), then 1907-09 Sanskrit at Oxford. Taught at St.Xavier’s College in Calcutta in 1909-12, then 1912-16 theological studies at St.Mary’s in Kurseong near Darjeeling. Ordained priest 1914. Taught theology in Kurseong 1917-22, then the rest of his life in Calcutta.
Publications: Diss. The Philosophy of Rāmānuja as compared with that of Śaṅkara. Manuscript, Oxfors 1909.
– An Essay on the Doctrine of the Unreality of the World in the Advaita. 2+65 p. Calcutta 1919, French transl. 1932.
– Karma – Evil – Punishment: a summary of desultory conversations. 94 p. The Light of the East Series 31. Calcutta/Ranchi 1940.
– Many theological and religious writings, many short articles (also on Vedānta, list in Wikipedia) in the Light of the East, the monthly founded and edited by him together with —> P. Johanns.
Sources: *Echos 21, 1963, 27-32; Wikipedia with photo.
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