DIACK, Alexander Henderson. 13.2.1862 — 7.7.1929. Sir. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of John Diack. Studies at Aberdeen 1876-79. Joined I.C.S. in 1879, additional studies at Cambridge (King’s College, 1879-81). Served from 1881 in the Punjab. Settlement Officer of Kulu 1887-90. Finally Vice-President of the Punjab Legislative Council (1913–16) and Additional Member of the Imperial Legislative Council (1914-16). Retired 1916. K.C.I.E. 1916, C.B.E. 1920. Married 1898 Ethel Mary Wallace and 1906 Mylsie Molloy (1881–1945), children.
Publications: The Kulu Dialect of Hindi: Some Notes on its Grammatical Structure, with specimens of the Songs current amongst the People, and a Glossary. 107 p. Lahore 1896.
– Gazetteer of the Kangra District. 2-4. Kulu, Lahul and Spiti. 12+278 p. Lahore 1899.
– Customary law of the Dera Gházi Khán district. 35 p. Lahore 1898.
Sources: Portrait in npg.org.uk/collections; stray notes in Internet.
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