DILGER, Wilhelm

DILGER, Wilhelm. Winterbach, Württemberg 12.12.1855 — Tübingen 13.4.1920. Rev. German Missionary of Basel Mission in Kerala. Son of Johannes Dilger and Friederika Krebs. Worked in Kerala in 1880-1900 and 1906-07. In 1910 said to belong to Tübingen University. Knew Malayālam and Sanskrit. He began an extensive dictionary of Malayālam, but had to stop as the position as the Chairman of the Malayālam Bible Revision Committee took all his time. Married Susanna Häussermann, 12 children.

Publications: Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity; a comparison and a contrast. 537 p. Mangalore 1908; Krischna oder Christus? Eine religionsgeschichtliche Parallele. 44 p. Basler Missionsstudien 26. Basel 1904.

Das Ringen mit der Landessprache in der indischen Missionsarbeit. 40 p. Basler Missionsstudien 13. Basel 1903.

Der indische Seelenwanderungsglaube. 28 p. Basler Missionsstudien 37. Basel 1910.

Erinnerungen aus der Malabar-Mission. 56 p. Für die Mitglieder der Franken- und Mark-Kollekte 160. Basel 1918.


Sources: Stray notes in Internet, works in worldcat.org, parents and wife in ancestry.com.

Last Updated on 2 years by Admin


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