CORREIA, Gaspar. 1492? — Malacca or Goa 1563?. Portuguese Historian of Colonial India. In the age of 16 he went to India in 1512/14. Served as a soldier and became secretary of Afonso de Albuquerque. Around 1529 back to Lisbon, later in Cochin. Some claim that he was murdered in Malacca on the orders of Estâvão da Gama. His work is important, because he had sources not available to Castanheda and Barros.
Publications: Lendas da India. Manuscript, only published in Lisbon in 1858-66.
– To Correia is also ascribed Crónicas dos reis de Portugal e sumários de suas vidas. Printed e.g. in Lisbon 1996.
Sources: Grande Encycl. Portuguesa e Brazileira 7; Wikipedia (also German and Portuguese versions – unfortunately all three contain differencies in dates and other details).
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