DRUMMOND, Robert. Kelpie, Fife 27.3.1775 — at sea ?.3.1809. Sir, fifth “Laird of Keltie”. British (Scottish) Surgeon in E.I.C.’s Medical Service. Son of John Dr. (1733–1801) and Euphemia Aytoun. Studies at Edinburgh. M.D. Came to India in 1796, where also his father had served as surgeon, served in Bombay Presidency. Probably first in Kerala, then residency surgeon in Baroda. Married 1800 Catharine Robertson, one daughter – both died in India, himself on way to home.

Publications: Grammar of the Malabar Language. 131 p. Bombay 1799 (Malayālam).

Illustrations of the Grammatical Parts of the Guzarattee, Mahratta and English Languages. 142 p. Bombay 1808.

Sources: D. Malcolm, Genealogical Memoir of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Drummond. Edinburgh 1808, 60-62; V.N. Mandlik, Preface to the 1877 reprint of TrLitSocBombay 1, p. xii; birth date found in geneanet.org; death in www.clanmacfarlanegenealogy.info/genealogy.

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