FRANKO, Ivan Jakovič. Nahujewytschi, Austro-Hungarian Empire (now Nahueviči in Ukraina) 15.(27.)8.1856 — Lemberg (L’viv) 28.5.1916. Ukrainian Poet, Translator and Journalist, deeply interested in Sanskrit Literature. Son of Jakiv Fr., a village blacksmith. After gymnasium in Drohobych studied classics and Ukrainian at Lemberg (L’viv). Socialist (but anti-Marxist) since his student years, three times in prison. From 1891 studies at Czernowitz (Chernivtsi), then at Vienna (under Jagić). Ph.D. 1893 Vienna. From 1894 Lecturer in the history of Ukrainian literature at Lemberg (L’viv), but soon collided with conservative critics. Last years often ill, died in poverty. Married 1886 Olga Horužynska, three sons and one daughter. Knowing no Sanskrit he made his Indian translations from English, German and French versions.
Publications: Diss. on Barlaam and Joasaph. 1893, “Barlaam in Joasaf. Starohristijanskij duhobnyj roman i jogo literaturna istorija”, I. Franko, Zibrannjatvoriv u pjatidesjati tomah. 30. 1981, 314-538; Korotkij naris istorii staroindijskogo (sanskrits’kogo) pis’menstva”, Ibid. 38, 471-478.
– Translated episodes of the Mahābhārata: Manu and the flood in Žytie i slovo 4/1896, 295-298, Sunda and Upasunda Ibid. 5/1896, 362-367, Śakuntalā Ibid. 6/1897, 22-32, Hiḍimba in Literaturna spadšina 1, 1956, 215-222 (made in 1875); from the Mārkaṇḍeyapurāṇa: Vipaścit in hell in Žytie i slovo 6/1896, 15-21, Hariścandra in his Z veršyn i nizyn. L’viv 1893, 429-468; and from the Pañcatantra: Dzvinok 9, 1897, 141-144, 10, 1897, 145-147, 19, 1898, 281-287, 20, 1898, 297-312, 21, 1898, 321-329, 22, 1898, 338-341, 23, 1898, 353-358, 24, 1898, 376-378, 24, 1898, 378-383.
– Works not related to India: own poetry, novels, political writings, translations of Shakespeare, Byron, Calderon, Dante, Hugo, Goethe, Schiller, Heine and Mickiewicz.
Sources: *Jurij Zavhorodnij, Doslidžennja civilizacij Shodu ta Zahody: istorija, filosofija, filologija. Zbirnik statej. Kiiv 2004, 111–118 (my best thanks to the author for a copy – but I cannot read its Ukrainian language); translations listed in Y. Zavhorodniy, “Corpus of the Ukrainian Translations of Sanskit Texts”, Karttunen 2015, 163-173; Wikipedia with two photos, a painting and a stamp.
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