FROLA, Eugenio

FROLA, Eugenio. Montanaro near Turin 27.9.1906 — Turin 6.5.1962. Italian Mathematician interested in Buddhism. Son of Mario Fr. and Maria Pons. Studied engineering at Turin Polytechnic (graduated 1929), then mathematics at Turin university (1933). Assistant, then Professor (incaricato) of mathematics (descriptive geometry) at Turin Polytechnic. From 1940 member of the local Academy. In 1947 one of the founder of Centro di studi metodologici di Torino.

Publications: Translated: Canone Buddhista. 2. Discorsi lunghi (Dīghanikāya: Sīla­khanda Vagga, Mahā Vagga, Pātika Vagga). 1-2. 71+1074 p. Torino 1960-61, new ed. 960 p. Classici delle religioni 3:2. Turin 1967.

L’orma della disciplina (Dhammapada). 224 p. Turin 1962.

Mathematical publications.

Sources: Fr. Lerda, D.B.I. 50, 1998 (Treccani); Italian Wikipedia.

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