DALES, George F., Jr

DALES, George Franklin, Jr. Akron, Ohio 13.8.1927 — Berkeley 18.4.1992. U.S. Archaeologist. Professor in Berkeley. In 1945-48 served in marine corps in China, then studied  at University of Akron (B.A. 1953 in Classical studies) and University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D. 1960 in Near Eastern Archaeology). In 1960-63 he was Assistant Curator for Near Eastern Archaeology at Royal Ontario Museum, in 1961-63 also a Lecturer at University of Toronto. Then at University of Pennsylvania: 1963-66 Assistant Professor and Assistant Curator at University Museum; 1966-72 Associate Professor and Associate Curator. From 1972 Professor of Near Eastern and South Asian Archaeology at University of California in Berkeley. Married 1958 his colleague Barbara Bradley (1927–2019), two children.

Dales conducted excavations in Iraq and Southern Iran. In the early 1960s he started a long term research on the Indus Civilization, excavated at Mohenjo Daro in 1965, at Balakot in 1974-78 and with his student Kenoyer at Harappa 1986-91.

Publications: Diss. Mesopotamian and Related Female Figurines: Their Chronology, Diffusion and Cultural Functions. Manuscript 1960.

Articles on archaeology, e.g. “Archaeological and radiocarbon chronologies for protohistoric South Asia”, N. Hammond (ed.), South Asian Archaeology. Park Ridge, NJ 1973, 157-169.

– “Excavations at Balakot, Pakistan, 1973”, Journal of Field Archeology 1, 1974, 3-22.

With J. M. Kenoyer: Excavations at Mohenjo Daro, Pakistan. The Pottery. With an account of the pottery from the 1950 excavations of Sir Mortimer Wheeler by L. Alcock. 607 p. ill. Univ. Museum Monograph 53. Philadelphia 1986.

With J. M. Kenoyer: “Excavation at Harappa — 1988”, Pakistan Archaeology 24, 1989, 68-176, pl. 20-24; “Excavation at Harappa — 1989”, Pakistan Archaeology 25, 1990, 241-280, pl. 21-23; “Summaries of five seasons of research at Harappa (District Sahiwal, Punjab, Pakistan) 1986–1990”, R. H. Meadow (ed.): Harappa Excavations 1986–1990. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Third Millennium Urbanism. Monographs in World Archaeology 3. Madison, Wisc. 1991, 185-262; “Excavation at Harappa”, Pakistan Archaeology 27, 1992, 31-86.

With C. P. Lipo: Explorations on the Makran Coast, Pakistan. A search for Paradise. 12+274 p. Berkeley 1992.

Sources: Dir. of Am. Sch. 8th ed. 1; *J.M. Kenoyer (ed.), From Sumer to Meluhha. Contributions to Archaeology of South and West asia in Memory of G. F. D. Jr. Madison, WI 1995; *Pakistan Archaeology 28, 1993, 273-278; University of California: In Memoriam. 1992, 22-26; Wikipedia.

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