GODINHO DE ERÉDIA, Manuel. Malacca 16.7.1563 — 1623. Indonesian-Portuguese Author and Cartographer. Son of João de Erédia Aquaviva, an officer of Aragonese-Italian background and Dona Elena Vessiva (d. 1575), a noblewoman from Sulawesi. Educated at Jesuit school in Malacca and at Jesuit College in Goa, trained in astronomy, cartography and mathematics. Joined the S.J. in 1579, but resigned soon, 1580. Worked in India as cosmographer for the King of Spain. In 1600-04 in South-East Asia, participated in the seach of the southern continent. Married 1586 Vilante de Sampaio, one daughter and one son.

Publications: Wrote several books none of which was published in his lifetime, e.g.: Discourse on the Province of Indostan, termed Mogûl. Written 1611; Suma de árvores e plantas da Índia Intra Ganges. 1612 (Summary of the Trees and Plants of India intra Ganges); Tratado Ophirico. 1616 (Treatise on Ophir, with autobiography); prepared a number of maps.

Declaracam de Malaca e da India Meridional com Cathay. Written 1613, facs. ed. and French tr. by L. Janssens. Brussels 1882, English transl. by J. V. Mills Description of Malaca, Meridional India, and Cathay. 288 p. sep. from JRAS-MB 8:1, 1930.

Sources: O.H.K. Spate, Australian Dict. of Biogr. 1, 1966 (online) & *“M.G. de E.: Quest for Australia”, Meanjin 16, 1957, 109-122; Wikipedia with drawing.

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