GOUGH, Kathleen

GOUGH, Eleanor Kathleen. Hunsingore near Wetherby, Yorkshire 16.8.1925 — Vancouver 8.9.1990. British Anthropologist in the U.S.A. and Canada. Daughter of Albert Gough, a blacksmith. Educated in Knaresborough. From 1943 studies at Girton College, Cambridge. Ph.D. 1950. Taught at Brandeis University in 1961-63, University of Oregon 1963-67 and Simon Fraser University 1967-70. From 1970 until death Honorary Research Associate at University of British Columbia. In 1947-49 fieldwork in Malabar, 1950-53 and 1976 in Tanjore, also in Vietnam. Married 1947 Eric John Miller, divorce 1950. A Marxist and feminist.

Publications: The Traditional Kinship System of the Nayars of Malabar. 103 p. Cambridge MA 1954.

– “Female Initiation Rites on the Malabar Coast”, JRAnthrInst 85, 1955, 45-80.

– “Cult of the dead among the Nayars”, J. of Am. Folklore 71, 1959, 466-478; “The Nayars and the Definition of Marriage”, JRAnthrInst 89, 1959, 23-34; “A Note on Nayar Marriage”, Man 65, 1965, 8-11.

Ed. with D. M. Schneider; Matrilineal Kinship. 761 p. Berkeley 1961 (with important own contributions).

– “Caste in a Tanjore Village”, E. R. Leach (ed.), Aspects of caste in south India, Ceylon and Pakistan. Cambridge 1969, 11-60.

Dravidian Kinship and Modes of Production. 23 p. N.D. 1978.

Rural Society in Southeast India. 14+458 p. Cambridge 1981; Rural Change in Southeast India:1950s to 1980s. 19+578 p. Delhi 1989.

Further works.

Sources: *R. Frankenberg, Oxford D.N.B.; *R.B. Lee, Proc. of the Royal Soc. of Canada 4, 1993, 57-60; *J. Mencher, Anthropologica 35, 1993, 195-201 and bibliography, 291-298; Wikipedia.

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