GREEN, Henry

GREEN, Henry. 1??? — 1???. British (?) Teacher in India. Headmaster of English school in Surat (1841). He was a free-thinker who supported Gujarati reformers. Also worked as Professor of Political Economy and Literature at Poona College (1837-57), at Elphinstone Institution in Bombay (1850 there) and in 1852-54 as the superintendent of Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy Parsee Benevolent Institution in Bombay. Much remains uncertain. possibly H.G. of Surat and H.G. of Pune (the author of Deccan Ryots) are two different persons.

Publications: A Collection of English Phrases with their Idiomatic Gujrati Equivalents. Bombay 1851, 2nd ed. 1858, 5th ed. 1867, 6th ed. 234 p. B. 1869, 7th 1881.

The Deccan Ryots and Their Land Tenure. 136 p. Bombay 1852.

A Collection of English Phrases. With their Idiomatic Marathi Equivalents by Sadashiva Vishwanath Hate. 259 p. Bombay 1868.

Sources: *A.R. Kulkarni, “Professor H. Green and the Revenue Settlement in the Deccan (1837-1857)”, Proceedings of the Indian History Congress 50, 1989, 595-606; scanty stray notes in Internet.

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