HÁJEK, Lubor. Nové Strašecí, Rakovnik region 5.5.1921 — Prague 2.3.2000. Czech Art Historian. Studies of Indology at Prague 1945-49 (Lesný and Pertold). Ph.D. 1949 Prague (under Pertold). From 1952 Director of Oriental Collections at Czech National Gallery, retired in 1986.
Publications: Diss. Poměr náboženský a pohavního pudu v tantrismu. Manuscript, Prague 1949 (The relations of spirituality and sexuality in Tantrism).
– Indian Miniatures of the Moghul School. 87 p. 51 pl. L. 1960; Indische Miniaturen vom Hof der Mogul-Kaiser. 99 p. 101 fig. Prague 1960; Indische Miniaturen der lokalen Schulen. 101 p. 58 pl. Prague 1961; also wrote on Indian art in Czech.
– Several books on East Asian art
Sources: www.revolverrevue.cz/lubor-hajek (in Czech); Kdo byl kdo – čeští a slovenští orientalisté (long article with many details); Czech Wikipedie – I have taken a few details from these, but I cannot read Czech.
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