DELAMAINE, James. 17?? — Cape of Good Hope 1829?. British Colonial Officer. Ensign (1798), Captain (1823) and Major in Bengal Army (1827), then Lieutenant-Colonel and Political Agent at Nemaur. Served long under John Malcolm and knew Sanskrit and Persian. In 1823 the first European to visit Nasik Caves. Left India in poor health and died on way to home.
Publications: “Of the Sra’wacs or Jains”, TrRAS 1, 1827, 413-438.
– “Account of Omkar”, Asiatic Journal N.S. 3, 1830, 207-210; “Description of the Caves near Nasik”, Ibid. 275-281.
Sources: Asiatic Journal 1830, 207; neither in Br. Biogr. Archives 1st & 2nd Series nor in the N.U.C.
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