HARTMANN, Hans Adolf Dietrich. Rüstringen bei Wilhelmshaven 18.11.1909 — 11.12.2000. German Linguist and Celtologist. Son of a policeman, Gustav H., and Johanna Theiken, educated in Jever. From 1928 studies of classics, Indology and IE at Marburg, 1930 to Berlin. Ph.D. 1933 Berlin (diss. on Russian). In 1937-39 studied Irish at University College in Dublin, Ireland. During the war taught Celtic at Berlin (PD 1941) and broadcasted Nazi propaganda in Irish in German Radio. Member of NSDAP from 1933. From 1948 PD Göttingen. From 1953 Professor of Comparative IE Linguistics at Hamburg (succeeding Fraenkel), retired 1978.
Publications: Der Totenkult in Irland; ein Beitrag zur Religion der Indogermanen. 212 p. Heidelberg 1952.
– Das Passiv. Eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Kelten, Italiker und Arier. 206 p. Idg. Bibl. Heidelberg 1954.
– Also wrote on Celtology.
Sources: *A. Wigger, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 53, 2003, 259-266; “The Nazis in Irish Universities”, in www.historyireland.com/volumes/volume15; German Wikipedia.
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