DELBRÜCK, Richard. Jena 14.7.1875 — Bonn 22.8.1957. German Archaeologist and Classical Scholar. Son of —> Berthold D. and Constance Kämptz. Ph.D. 1899 Bonn. PD 1903, Professor 1909, in 1911-15 Director of The Roman Branch of German Archaeological Institute, then worked for German War and Foreign Ministries. Professor ordin. of Classical Archaeology at the universities of Giessen (1922-28) and Bonn (from 1928). Retired in 1940. Married Else Aimilia von Hösslin, one daughter
Publications: Diss. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Linienperspektive in der griechischen Kunst. Bonn 1899
– “Südasiatische Seefahrt im Altertum”, Bonner Jahrb 155/156, 1955–56, 8-58 and 229-308.
– Much on classical antiquity not related to India, especially on architecture and portrait sculpture.
Sources: *M. Bergmann, Der Neue Pauly Suppl. 6, 2012, 290-292; family in, with photo; German Wikipedia.
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