DELIUS, Nikolaus

DELIUS, Nikolaus. Bremen 19.9.1813 — Bonn 18.11.1888. German Linguist. Professor of English in Bonn. Son of a merchant, Everhard D. and Magdalena Gloystein, educated at Gymnasium in Bremen. Then studies of classical and Indian philology at Bonn (von under Schlegel and Lassen) and Berlin (Bopp). Ph.D. Bonn 1838, then travels to England and France. From 1841 PD at Berlin, also worked as a journalist. In 1846 umhabilitation to Bonn, in the beginning also taught Sanskrit, then mainly English literature and Romance linguistics. From 1855 ao. and from 1863 ord. Professor of English at Bonn, retired in 1880. Unmarried.

Delius’ early book on Prākrit roots was an important pioneer work (although heavily criticized by Böhtlingk), but soon he abandoned Indian studies and concentrated on modern philology. He was especially known as a Shakespeare scholar, but was also interested in Old French and Provençal literature.

Publications: Diss. Radices prâcriticae. Supplementum ad Lasseni institutiones linguae prâcriticae. 24 p. Bonnae 1838, complete book 93 p. Bonnae 1839.

Review of Max Müller’s German translation of the Hitopadeśa, ZKM 7, 1850, 237-244.

Shakespeare: Werke. Critical edition. 1-7. 1853-61; and much on Anglistics and Romanistics.

Sources: F. Brümmer, A.D.B. 47, 653; W. Clemen, N.D.B. 3, 585f.; Stache-Weiske 2017, 56, 516; Wikipedia with portrait.

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