HEINZ, Adam. Cracow 20.11.1914 — Cracow 1.6.1984. Polish IE and Slavic Linguist. Professor at Cracow. After school in Cracow in 1934-46 studies of classics and IE under Kuryłowicz et al. at Lwów (Lviv). Ph.D. 1950 Cracow, under Safarewicz. In 1959-70 taught Latin, Greek and Slavonic at Cracow Pedagogical University. From 1957 Docent, from 1969 Professor at Cracow, in 1973-84 Professor of General Linguistics there. In IE studies he mainly concentrated on Greek and Balto-Slavic. A structuralist.

Publications: Diss. publ. as Genetivus w indoeuropejskim systemie przypadkowym. 112 p. Warsaw 1955; hab. diss. Funkcja egzocentryczna rzeczownika. 186 p. Warsaw 1957.

Wrote on Polish and linguistics, often in Polish.

Sources: M. Kaczmarkowski, Lex. Gramm. 1996, 403; T. Szczebowski, Studia ling. Univ. Cracoviensis 132, 2015, 29-36; briefly in Polish Wikipedia.

Last Updated on 9 months by Admin


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