HETÉNYI-HEIDLBERG, Ernő (Ernest H., Láma Dharmakírti Padmavadzsra). Budapest 13.2.1912 — Budapest 17.9.1999. Hungarian Bauddha and Tibetologist. Son of the operetta composer Albert Hetényi-Heidelberg (1875–1951) and Erzsébet Brunner. He became interested in Buddhism, especially Lama Anagarika Govinda, and in 1951 founded the Buddhist society of Hungary and in 1956 the Alexander Csoma des Körös Institute for Buddhology (Kőrösi Csoma Sándor Buddhológiai Intézet). Their work was not encouraged, but at least somehow tolerated during the communist rule. Married with Eva Ferenczi, one son.

Publications: Several books on Tibetan Buddhism in Hungarian.

“Alexander Csoma de Körös. The Hungarian Bodhisattva”, Bulletin of Tibetology 9, 1972, 34-41.

Sources: English, French and German Wikipedia, all briefly, but with different details; works in Puskás 1991; family details in geni.com.

Last Updated on 4 months by Admin


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