DENIS, Eugène

DENIS, Eugène. Corps-Nuds, Brittany 2.2.1921 — Bangkok 11.12.1986. S.J. French Missionary and Pāli Scholar in Thailand. After seminary in Rennes became Jesuit novice in Laval. In 1948 sent to China, expulsed by communists in 1951. Ordained priest 1952 in Lyon. In 1955 to Thailand, taught at Bangkok University. Ph.D. 1976 Paris. From 1976 Professor at Chulalongkorn University, hon. dr. there 1985. For a while tutor of the king’s daughter. In 1961-86 also a research scholar of C.N.R.S. He reconstructed the Pāli text of the Lokapaññatti from two inferior manuscripts and a Chinese translation.

Publications: “Étude de la légende bouddhique du saint thera Mâleyyadeva”, Annuaire de l’É.P.H.É. 338, 1963, 337f.

La Lokapaññatti et les idées cosmologiques du Bouddhisme. 1-2. 227+75+191 & 4+44+329 p. P. 1977 (ed., tr. & notes – diss.).

– “La Lokapaññatti et la légende birmane d’Aśoka”, JA 264, 1976, 97-116.

– “Braḥ Māleyyadevattheravatthuṁ”, JPTS 18, 1993, 19-64.

Sources: *Catherine Marin: Eugène Denis S. J. (1921-1986) Missionnaire d’Asie. 102 p. Lille & Bangkok 1996; A. Bareau, Buddhist Studies Review 4:2, 1987, 143-145; with photo.

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